Style Guide Creation (2023 - 2024)
A comprehensive style guide was developed using Adobe Illustrator to ensure uniformity and coherence in visual elements across all communication channels and marketing materials.
Presentation Template (2024)
Designed for my previous employer, this visually compelling PowerPoint presentation template blends modern aesthetics with functionality, making it ideal for diverse applications like sales pitches and corporate meetings. With its clean lines, bold typography, and customizable layouts, the template enhances engagement and clarity, effortlessly adapting to various content types. Its intuitive design ensures a modern, professional look, streamlining the presentation process and effectively communicating key messages.
Business Card Redesign (2023 - 2024)
The design of business cards for customer-facing employees was updated using Adobe Illustrator, integrating a QR code on the back for seamless contact exchange and enhanced engagement opportunities.
Email Signature Standardization (2024)
A new email signature template was designed and implemented for all employees using Adobe Dreamweaver, aligning with the refreshed brand guidelines.
Solutions Stack Visualization (2024)
An innovative solutions stack graphic was created using Adobe Illustrator, showcasing Sysdyne's comprehensive offerings in a unified platform to enhance clarity and market appeal.
Horizontal Icon Design (2024)
A versatile icon version of the stack was developed using Adobe Illustrator for horizontal applications, ensuring optimal visual impact and adaptability across various media.
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